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What are hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are normal venous structures located at the top of the anal canal. Sometimes, they can be elongated and widened, which is a symptom of hemorrhoid disease. It is often the cause of bleeding from the anal canal during defecation. Long and severe bleeding caused by hemorrhoids can lead to anemia.

There are three types of hemorrhoids:

External hemorrhoids – located along the outside of the anus where the mucous membrane turns into skin, and they feel like small pads that do not hurt. However, the pain occurs if they become clotted. The bleeding occurs when the skin above the hemorrhoids bursts. During the first three days, the pain is the strongest, but the feeling of discomfort can last up to a month.
Internal hemorrhoids-occur inside the anal canal. Due to the absence of pain receptors in the area, the main symptom of this type of hemorrhoids is painless bleeding with the possibility of protrusions outside the anal opening during defecation. Inability to relapse within the anal canal after defecation is followed by uncomfortable and severe pain.
Mixed type of hemorrhoids-a combination of internal and external hemorrhoids.

The most common causes of hemorrhoids are:

  • prolonged sitting or standing
  • smoking, coffee, excessive alcohol consumption
  • excessive use of laxatives
  • frequent stress when defecating
  • pregnancy
  • obesity
  • heritage
  • constipation
  • some liver diseases
  • very spicy food

The most common symptoms of hemorrhoids are:

  • itching
  • pain
  • swelling
  • bleeding
  • a feeling of pressure in the anal region
  • increased moisture in the anal region
  • soiled underwear
  • traces of blood on the toilet paper
  • discomfort

How to cure hemorrhoids?

The treatment for hemorrhoids is directed towards the reducing of symptoms. It is recommended to:


  • drink plenty of fluids (2 to 3 liters per day)
  • eat lots of fruits (preferably in the morning on an empty stomach), vegetables, grains and foods rich in fiber
  • avoid spicy foods and foods that can cause constipation (rice, potatoes, pasta, bread made from white flour), and reduce the consumption of coffee and alcoholic beverages
  • reduce your intake of cheese and dairy products (containing lactic acid that can cause irritation)
  • avoid long periods of sleep, long sitting or standing
  • implement appropriate physical activity such as walking or swimming, and avoid cycling and horse riding
  • avoid being  too long in very hot places (e.g. in the sauna)
  • avoid heavy lifting and greater efforts
  • use laxatives or other similar medication for a short period of time in order to control the stool
  • use cold or lukewarm water after defecation and thoroughly dry the washed area to avoid bacterial infection since bacteria favor moist environment
  • use creams or suppositories for hemorrhoids that contain local anesthetics, and after the pain ceases, practice sitting in lukewarm chamomile bath, because it reduces pain, itching and inflammation

Hemorrhoid disease requires treatment to reduce its severity and duration, and avoid complications. Treating hemorrhoids is long and requires persistence and patience. If hemorrhoids cannot be treated by hygienic measures and the medical treatment, it is necessary to access to surgical treatments.

Preparations used to relieve hemorrhoids made by Galen laboratory